Monday, December 20, 2010

This Little Light of Mine

Around 2AM there will be a total lunar eclipse! How exciting! I had to google what actually happens during a total lunar eclipse, it is when the earth, moon, and sun are completely aligned, with the earth in the middle. I started to think about this, I saw an image of the earth between light and darkness...however both the sun and the moon provide illumination. Then I started thinking about the word "illumination", so I looked it up. Definition: an observable property and effect of light (per wikipedia). Then, something (I say God) told me to see if there was a lunar eclipse on the day of my birth...I couldn't believe it when I saw that there was actually a partial lunar eclipse on the month, day, and year of my birth. So then I really started thinking. What could all this mean? I started thinking about my I was born: to teenage parents, born with illness, my life: suffering with illness throughout my life, sexual abuse, my father not being in my home, great failures and great accomplishments, great loves and great heartaches, marriage and divorce, dreams accomplished, dreams deferred, dreams never to be adulthood: great friends, relationships ending, dependence, interdependence, co-dependence, and finally experiences: good decisions, bad decisions, happiness, depression, surrounded by loved ones, wilderness...darkness and light...night and day. I started to wonder what will be my "observable property and effect of light"? Then I looked up the word "eclipse" Definition: a temporary or permanent dimming or cutting off of light (one definition per wikipedia). Then I thought to myself, my light is God. I am so thankful that he is the creator of all things, therefore his light can never be eclipsed. So the sun and the moon (day and night/good and evil/lightness and darkness) have always continued to shine light on me, shine light on my situation, shine light on my growth, and shine light on who God created me to be. It's time to start walking in my light. Maybe that night on June 4, 1974 when I was born under a partial lunar eclipse it was to remind me that darkness will come (my light may be dimmed) but there is always going to be light (God, hope, love) over my life. So I am learning to walk in the light, to see the light, even when that light seems so small....I know it is cannot be totally eclipsed. My decision is that I will not let anyone, any situation or circumstance permanently dim my light. I will not be eclipsed. Whatever your darkness is, I encourage you to walk in the light! I pray that my "observable property and effect of light" (my testimony) will be that I am God's child. What will be yours?

"This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine"

For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his 
light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the 
glory of God in the face of Christ. 2Corinthians 4:6 
*I encourage you to read all of 2Corinthians Chapter 4* 


  1. Nice! I loved the way that you broke that down, made so much sense...and God is my light, and i refuse to let anything dim him....Great post!

  2. What a you will walk in even BRIGHTER light because of what has now been revealed...keep digging, keep plucking; keep digging, keep planting...He IS the WAY, TRUTH, and yes my friend...THE LIGHT...stay illuminated...and the words of the Outsiders Pony Boy, STAY GOLD...
